

购买预制或模块化房屋可能会令人困惑, 但是理解这些类型, 差异和寻求什么帮助.

方式发生了很大的变化 预制和模块化住宅 是被构建、利用和感知的吗. 人们有时会对“人造住宅”的确切含义感到困惑."

从历史上看,人造房屋被标记为“拖车”或“移动房屋”.“这些术语并不总是适用或真正定义这种类型的住房. Here are a few things to help distinguish and understand the construction, terms and types or models.


  • 预制房屋. This is the general term used to refer to any type of home that is constructed off-site (in a production plant or factory) and then transported to the building site. 预制房屋通常根据标准的房主政策投保.
    • 模块化房屋. 预制房屋 that are constructed in two or more sections at the factory and then usually transported to the building site on a flatbed truck. 按照传统建筑规范建造, 它们可能有多层和更陡峭的斜屋顶.
    • Panelized回家. 不像模块化房屋, these are constructed as separate wall sections and then assembled by the builders at the site. (“预切”房屋是一种嵌板房屋.)
  • 制造的房子. 通常老, they mostly come in double-wide or triple-wide configurations that are much roomier and more "house-like" than the outdated idea of a single-wide (narrow) version — the latter type being what's often conjured by the term "trailer." Federal Manufactured Home Construction and 安全 Standards (HUD Code) define rigorous guidelines for manufactured homes. The most recognized distinction from modular homes is manufactured homes have a permanent steel I-beam chassis and wheels under the floor so they can be towed rather than carried on the back of a truck.
    • 移动房屋. You'll often see this term used interchangeably when referring to 今天's manufactured homes. 但从技术上讲, “活动房屋”一词仅适用于1976年6月以前建造的房屋, HUD代码生效的时候.


让我们把重点放在现代人造住宅上. The advantages of buying one are its lower cost and the relative ease and expediency of its setup. 现在的两倍和三倍宽的房子, 你不会在风格上牺牲太多, 楼面面积及设施. A manufactured home also gives you the option of someday moving it with relative ease to a new location, 尽管今天更多的人造房屋是为了保持原状.

Newer manufactured homes also use very similar building materials as standard stick-built homes. Much of the current cost savings is due to efficiencies in the building process and not the use of cheaper materials, 这是过去的一个因素.

虽然预先购买人造房屋要便宜得多,但也有一些缺点. You may find that some financial institutions are reluctant to offer a home loan for a manufactured home unless it will rest on a permanent foundation, or you already own the land it will be set up on (or are taking out a loan to buy the land as well). 动产贷款由一些金融公司和银行提供. 这种类型的贷款不同于房地产贷款, 通常包括土地或房屋和财产. 动产贷款是一种仅限住房的个人财产贷款安排. Since manufactured homes many times are movable and reside in a home community or park, 房屋本身是贷款人的兴趣所在.

Another potential drawback to buying a manufactured home is the relatively low resale value. 然而, 根据联邦住房金融局的数据, 有趋势表明,人造房屋可能是 开始欣赏 几乎和传统住宅一样快. As a result, the idea that buying a manufactured home isn't a strong investment is being challenged.

尽管人们对人造房屋的态度正在发生变化, 他们可能仍然不会像标准房屋那样持有那么多的权益, 像汽车一样贬值. 然而, manufactured homes sold as part of a land package can sometimes hold equity more like a standard home, 取决于维护, 景观和当地的房地产条件.

人造房屋通常在人造房屋政策下投保. 了解更多有关 国营农场® 人造房屋pp王者电子官网单.


If you're moving into a manufactured home park community (or what used to be known as a 'trailer park'), 查看社区收费和任何涉及你家的规定, 包括施工要求和限制. 如果你在自己的地盘上, 了解当地的分区法是否允许在你的地盘上建造房屋.

You'll also want to make sure you understand all the extra costs involved in transporting and setting up a manufactured home on a site. Part of the negotiation is often who will pay for the move costs — you or the home dealer (or the person selling you a used home). 虽然人造房屋比新建房屋更容易搭建, you will still need to connect utilities and have a foundation and underpinning in place.


与任何房屋购买一样,你需要彻底 看看这个人造房屋 在付款之前. 这也适用于一个新家, 如果你买的是二手房,这一点尤为重要. 除了所有你在任何家里都会检查的东西(比如…… 管道, 加热 and cooling), with a used manufactured home, the following features deserve a closer look:

  • 门窗. 确保 门窗 是否绝缘,并留意框架周围的缝隙. Look for any cracks in the windows, and make sure the doors all open and close easily.
  • 地板. 测试它们的强度(不发出吱吱声或下垂), look for any warping and avoid floors constructed with particle board because it tends to warp or rot when wet.
  • 腹部包. This thick plastic goes under the floor and insulation and helps keep out animals and moisture. 检查包裹下面的绝缘材料,确保不受潮.
  • 墙. 看看有没有内部漏水. Vinyl exterior siding is preferable to metal (which can buckle) or hardboard (which can have water problems).
  • 屋顶. 避免老式的扁平金属 屋顶,这可能会泄漏,使房屋难以冷却. 寻找一个有悬挑的瓦片屋顶,以帮助雨水径流.
  • 木材 . 墙壁应使用2x6“木材与螺柱相隔16”.
  • 沉降找平. Older manufactured homes can settle over time, twisting the home's frame and leaving it unleveled.
  • 锚定. 检查房屋的锚固系统是否牢固牢固.
  • 添加或更改. Determine if the home has any structural additions or alterations that were not factory installed. Additions not approved by the home manufacturer may present increased exposure to wind and snow weight damage if not properly supported.
  • 布线. 结构的增加或改变可能会导致线路问题或 火险 当电线从原来的电气面板上取出时.
  • 基金会. 尤其是二手房, 确保底盘状况良好,并有有限的锈蚀, 房屋所在的混凝土垫或桩是坚固的.

购买人造房屋是一项巨大的承诺和投资, 所以要做好功课, 检查所有选项, 跟进所有的安全措施, 你可能会有建筑和财务方面的问题.

要了解更多关于制造和模块化家庭pp王者电子官网的选择,请联系a 州立农场代理 今天.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.





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